Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is a disease characterized by damage to the intervertebral disc.
Cervical osteochondrosis is one of the most common diseases in the world. Statistically, about 60% of the world’s population faces it, because modern people suffer from physical inactivity, as well as spend a lot of time in inactive work. Osteochondrosis manifests itself in the form of damage to the intervertebral cartilage, as well as reactive processes in adjacent tissues.
The vertebrae of the cervical spine are much smaller than other vertebral vertebrae, but the load on them is not less. We always turn our heads, which is why the neck is in a systematic movement. In the early stages, the disease is difficult to recognize, and the underlying manifestations of the disease are often overlooked by patients. The result is the launch of cervical collar osteochondrosis, which significantly complicates the further treatment process.
A modern clinic successfully treats osteochondrosis of the neck by non -surgical methods using correction and kinesiotherapy.

Causes of neck osteochondrosis
There are several factors that can contribute to the development of osteochondrosis:
- Physical inactivity is the main reason that precedes the development of dangerous diseases. The complete absence of moderate physical activity leads to skeletal muscle and bone deterioration. Inadequate daily activities are not only a problem to office workers and drivers. People who prefer to spend free time at the computer or watch TV experience hypodynamics.
- Excessive physical activity. Often, professional athletes who are exposed to axial loads on the back experience this. Working at the limits of possibility also threatens novice athletes who train without the supervision of a professional coach and perform exercises with incorrectly prescribed techniques.
- Negative factors of posture are walking with high heels and uncomfortable shoes, scoliosis, flat feet, as well as incorrect body position during sleep.
- Excess weight puts an excessive load on the spine, leading to vertebral displacement and wear of the cartilage structure.
- Joint pain.
- Disorders of the endocrine system.
- Pressure.
- Neck hypothermia.
- An inactive lifestyle (such as drivers and office workers) or excessive physical activity (such as athletes).
As a rule, under the influence of these factors, a load on the cervical vertebrae occurs, which leads to the formation of muscle spasms. As a result, circulatory processes are disrupted and metabolism worsens, leading to degenerative changes.
Interesting fact: the risk of developing diseases such as osteochondrosis is largely associated with evolutionary changes in the human body. It's about walking upright. During the entire life cycle, the spinal space performs the "core" functions of our body. The spine, pressing on the cartilage disc, gradually wears it out, so the connective tissue deteriorates. Because of this, osteochondrosis often makes itself felt in old age.
The symptoms and treatment of cervical spine osteochondrosis largely depend on the causes that trigger the onset of the disease. To develop an individual therapeutic plan, doctors conduct a variety of examinations. Self -medication for neck pain is strongly discouraged. Improper massage, medications or traditional medical methods can worsen the condition and lead to a variety of irreparable consequences!

Cervical osteochondrosis: symptoms and treatment
The manifestation of a dangerous disease depends on 2 main factors:
- Type of load on the cervical spine.
- The site of damage to the cartilaginous structure of the intervertebral disc.
Nerve roots perform a large number of functions, therefore, the symptoms of damage to their individual parts can be very different. In addition, you need to take into account the stage of development of the disease. There are 4 of them, each of them heavier than the previous one.
Cervical osteochondrosis 1 degree
This degree is called preclinical and is poorly expressed, which is why patients associate symptoms with stress, lack of sleep and other seemingly trivial problems. The spine begins to defend itself against "destructive" movements and excessive stress, so people begin to feel uncomfortable.
The main symptoms are:
- Headache
- discomfort in the neck, shoulders and arms
- mild visual impairment
- slight decrease in neck motor activity
One of the most noticeable symptoms of the preclinical stage of cervical osteochondrosis is the constant tension of the neck muscles. The fast muscles work excessively, which leads to unbearable pain, as well as dryness when turning / tilting the head.
Since the above problems do not cause much discomfort, most patients prefer to let the condition pass. In fact, it is necessary to begin treatment of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, because the earlier therapy begins, the more effective it is.
Stage 2 cervical osteochondrosis
In this case, the patient begins to feel significant pain when tilting / turning their head. Often, the uncomfortable sensation spreads to the arms, shoulder joints and hands. Problems with the state of the nervous system begin to appear: a person becomes irritable, loses his mind, his daily work capacity is significantly reduced. The basic symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis in women are almost identical to the symptoms of problems with the reproductive system (weakness, fatigue, mood apathy, and more).
Despite the obvious signs of progression of the disease, it is still possible to get rid of osteochondrosis of the neck. First of all, doctors seek to eliminate the risk of hernias, which lead to a deterioration in limb mobility and blood supply to the brain.
The main symptoms are:
- severe neck pain
- noise in the ears
- visual impairment
- reduces the sensitivity of the skin of the shoulders and arms
- tendon reflex deterioration
Cervical osteochondrosis 3 degrees
At this stage of development, the disease is already considered neglected. Treatment of stage 3 cervical osteochondrosis is more difficult, as the destruction / deformation of the cartilage structure is often irreversible. The pain syndrome becomes stronger, which is associated with the active development of the hernia and the friction of the vertebral bone tissue against each other.
In addition to pain, patients experience weakness and complain of dizziness. The reason is a violation of the large ducts and nerves that pass through the spine. The brain receives insufficient amounts of nutrients and oxygen, which can cause consciousness to become blurred. The pain radiated to the upper part, there was a feeling of weakness in the arms. Another obvious sign of grade 3 osteochondrosis is loss of sensitivity in the fingers, as well as tingling in them.
The main symptoms are:
- increased pain
- cervical spine hernia
- very weak tendon reflexes
- paralyzed upper limbs
Grade 4 cervical osteochondrosis
The cartilaginous tissue of the intervertebral disc has already undergone major changes as a result of the destruction. At stage 4 of the disease, in 99% of cases there are protrusions and hernias, which have a significant negative impact on the patient’s condition. The body initiates independent recovery and "builds up" tissue in the area of disc damage. As a result, the pole itself loses its mobility.
When nerves and blood vessels are compressed, the person loses coordination of movement. Drowsiness, indifference and pain only increased. Patients often complain of annoying tinnitus. In addition, stage 4 cervical osteochondrosis threatens some of the following consequences:
- Cerebral ischemia, risk of spinal cord stroke. This is due to the strong compression of the vertebral arteries.
- Impaired perception of the world around and systematic loss of consciousness. The reason is that the blood vessels are pinched and there is insufficient blood supply to the cerebral cortex.
- Fatal outcome. Adverse consequences can arise due to spinal cord compression.
The main symptoms are:
- depression of brain activity
- lack of coordination
- increased dizziness
- paralyzed
- hearing and vision loss
- angina pectoris, shortness of breath
How to cure cervical osteochondrosis: a diagnostic stage
Before starting to eliminate the disease, the doctor conducts a thorough examination of the patient's cervical spine. This is necessary to establish the fact of the presence and neglect of the disease. Diagnostics consists of several stages:
- X-ray. This is a visual way to determine the location of the vertebrae, as well as changes in their mobility.
- Laboratory research. With the help of tests, the doctor establishes a disorder in the spine, and even makes a final diagnosis.
- CT. This is a modern technique for assessing rupture and height changes of the intervertebral disc. Also, computed tomography helps to detect individual vertebral instability.
- MRI. The level of examination presented is carried out to determine the condition of the nerve roots, the quality of blood circulation, as well as pathological changes in the cartilage / bone structure.
- Differential diagnostics. These include ultrasound scans, cardiograms and several other procedures. They are necessary not to confuse osteochondrosis with other diseases that have similar symptoms. These include diseases of the urinary system, all types of spinal deformities, hip injuries, as well as disorders of the central nervous system.
Symptomatic diagnosis and treatment of cervical osteochondrosis is impossible without a comprehensive diagnosis. The faster it is carried out, the more effective the therapy is. If you notice symptoms of illness, see your doctor as soon as possible. He or she will provide referrals for appointments with specialists of a narrower profile: neurologists and orthopedic specialists. In some cases, it may be necessary to consult a cardiologist if the symptoms of the disease overlap with suspected angina pectoris or ischemia of the heart muscle.

In modern clinics, successful diagnosis and treatment of neck osteochondrosis is carried out based on the use of kinesiotherapy. With the help of this healing technique, patients, performing a set of physical exercises on a special exercise machine for recovery, significantly improve their health.
Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis in women and men basic methods
High -quality and stable results in the treatment of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine can be achieved only with an integrated approach to this problem. The effectiveness of rehabilitation largely depends on the mood of the patient, who needs to fully review lifestyle, diet, sleep and wakefulness.
It is not possible to treat osteochondrosis of the cervical spine independently in women and men, because the basic symptoms of the disease can signal the development of a completely different disease. Drugs chosen without a doctor’s knowledge can seriously worsen the condition. Even the basic intake of painkillers does not always have the expected effect, which again proves the need to consult in advance with a specialist.
Elimination of exacerbation of pain
The disease often manifests itself in the form of a stabbing, aching and pulling pain syndrome. The main task of the doctor is to alleviate your suffering, therefore, first of all, the specialist prescribes:
- Anti-inflammatory drugs;
- Vitamin;
- Pain relievers;
- Chondroprotectors.
The last category of drugs aims to restore the structure of cartilage, which is very important in the advanced stages of the disease. In addition, patients are given medications to relieve muscle spasms and increase blood flow in the body.
Therapeutic gymnastics training
Specialists in physical therapy know how to get rid of cervical osteochondrosis in the most affordable way. Exercise therapy is one of the most effective methods of treating osteochondrosis, which can be used even at home. Training intensity in this case did not play any role. Regular regular physical activity will help achieve results. Here are the effects of exercise:
- Strengthens the muscles in the neck, which are responsible for supporting weak vertebrae.
- Stimulation and normalization of blood supply in the body, which is very important for the cerebral cortex.
- Improved general tone, energy charge, restoration of productivity and work capacity of a person.
Exercise therapy classes are allowed daily. The training set includes all types of head turns and tilts. With the right level of physical fitness, the level of difficulty increases and hand movements are connected to the workplace. The advantage of the therapeutic gymnastics element is that it can be used even at work. But remember that they can be done only after the acute pain syndrome has been eliminated.
As an added burden, doctors recommend patients visit a swimming pool, as swimming relieves pressure on the spine and relieves pressure from the intervertebral discs. Shown and work with a light dumbbell to strengthen the shoulder girdle.
There are many methods of physiotherapy:
- Electrophoresis.
- Magneto therapy, laser and shock waves.
- Mud therapy.
- Medication baths and showers.
The above are just the main therapeutic methods aimed at restoring blood supply to the affected spinal space, eliminating inflammation, pain, and slowing down the process of neck hardening.
Treatment of spinal cervical osteochondrosis with massage is widespread around the world. But this method must be used with caution, as rough and undue impact on the damaged part of the neck can cause the condition to worsen. Before making an appointment with a masseur, you should consult your doctor.
Thanks to the influence of the hands on the sore area, muscle tone decreases, which leads to the elimination of painful cramps. It also improves blood circulation, restores clarity of thought and general well -being of the patient.
The last stage of disease development leads to the formation of serious intervertebral hernias, as well as narrowing of the spinal lumen. Treatment of the patient in this case may require surgical intervention. The surgeon decides if surgery is needed. He also determines the complex of preparatory steps, recovery period and postoperative recovery.
Most surgical interventions involve the removal of the resulting hernia, as well as the replacement of the damaged vertebra.
Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis in the clinic
Treatment of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine in professional clinics involves the use of non -surgical methods exclusively. Specialists work according to unique techniques developed based on the principles of kinesiotherapy. Patients requesting our help are treated with a set of physical exercises in a specially equipped room.
Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis occurs according to an individually developed program. Therapeutic effect not only on certain parts of the spine, but also on internal organs. The process of drug -free and non -surgical treatment is difficult, but we provide comprehensive support to patients, helping them become more assertive and reconsider their attitudes toward their own illness.
This is the healing process built from:
- Exercise in the recovery room at least 2-3 times a week.
- Parterre therapeutic gymnastics.
- Therapy according to individual instructions.
- Relieve pain with an ice massage.
- Therapeutic / restorative massage.
- Adaptation training for working at home.
- Ultrasound micro-anatomy study to detect recovery over time.
- Personal consultation with a kinesatherapy clinician.

Prevention of osteochondrosis
The treatment of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine in the context of modern medicine includes many effective methods. But it is better not to allow this problem to arise at all than to address its elimination. There are a set of preventive measures that will minimize the risk of the appearance and development of dangerous diseases:
- Take a hot bath for 10 minutes every day. Systematic visits to the bath / sauna are also recommended. Please note that this recommendation is only appropriate for people who do not have cardiovascular health problems.
- Go for a swim and a walk in the fresh air at a leisurely pace. Physical inactivity is one of the leading causes of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
- Pushing excessive physical effort to the limits of human ability. This is especially true when working out in the gym. The critical axial load on the spine leads to protrusion.
- Try to avoid back stabs, especially if you are over 30 years old.
- Review your diet. Try to exclude moderate intake of sweets, flour, salt and sugar. Reducing the calorie content of food allows you to avoid gaining excess weight, which puts extra stress on the spine.
- If you work in an office and spend a lot of time in front of a computer, be sure to buy a special chair with lumbar and neck support. Try to do basic warm -up exercises every 60 minutes.
- If pain appears after waking up, consider buying an orthopedic mattress and pillows. If possible, get a bed with a flat, hard surface.
- To prevent degenerative and dystrophic changes in the cervical spine, visit a professional massage therapist at least 2-3 times a year. Neck and collar massage is one of the most effective preventative measures.
- Women should minimize walking in high -heeled shoes, as this interferes with the natural position of the spine. With a diagnosed flat foot, it is recommended to buy special shoes or insoles, because orthopedic products correct the position of the foot and relieve unnecessary pressure from the spinal column.
As well as:
- you need to visit the baths regularly
- you need to let go of bodybuilding, which can contribute to the protrusion of the cervical disc
- gentle exercise can be a good disease prevention
Treatment of osteochondrosis in professional clinics takes place under the close supervision of a qualified specialist. Physicians adhere to an integrated approach in working with patients and also dealing with advanced stages of the disease. If you notice symptoms of osteochondrosis, you don’t have to persevere, self -medicate and postpone a visit to the doctor. Start your journey towards a healthy and happy life!